
COFE's PS Pencil Set | Photoshop

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COFE's PS Pencil Set | Photoshop

14 ratings

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Hello, this is COFE.

To celebrate Black Friday, we're running a 50% off event!

A 50% discount code that can be applied to all products is issued.

A total of 2000 codes will be issued and can be used until November 2nd.

  • Discount Code - BF_COFEINLOVE_50

Have a wonderful holiday season!

20% discount event for the first 100 people.

Please write 'COFEinLOVE' in the discount code field at checkout.


Hello This is COFE.

Thank you for purchasing and using my Photoshop pencil pack.

We are contacting you to inform you that there are some modifications to the paid version.

Fixed an error where the texture expression was slightly broken in the C.Pencil 1 and C.Pencil 2 brushes.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced using the brush.

Have a good day :)


Hello, this is COFE.

Introducing the pencil brush set for Photoshop.

Simple but powerful.

A total of 10 brushes are included.

- 6 types of pencil brushes

- Charcoal brush 1

- Conté brush 1

- Finger smudge brush 1

- Eraser brush 1

Two high-definition paper textures are included for an additional realistic drawing feel.

Thank you.

* This brush set was created in Photoshop CC 2020 version.

If you want to see more artwork, check out my Instagram.


100명 선착순 20% 할인 이벤트를 진행합니다.

결제하실 때 할인 코드 란에 'COFEinLOVE' 를 적어주세요.

안녕하세요 COFE입니다.

포토샵용 연필 브러시 세트를 소개합니다.

심플하지만 강력합니다.

총 10가지 브러시가 포함되어 있습니다.

- 6가지 종류의 연필 브러시

- 챠콜 브러시 1

- 콩테 브러시 1

- 손가락 스머지 브러시 1

- 지우개 브러시 1

추가로 사실적인 드로잉 느낌을 더해줄 고화질 종이 질감 2장이 포함되어 있습니다.


* 이 브러시 세트는 Photoshop CC 2020 버전에서 제작되었습니다.

다른 작업이 궁금하시다면 제 인스타그램을 방문해 보세요.


I want this!
1,896 sales
pencil brushes
charcoal brush
conté brush
finger smudge brush
eraser brush
ultra high definition paper texture
FREE old ver PS Pencil Set
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